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Gon Bops Fiesta Cajon violet

Samtals m/vsk
25.990 kr.

Ótrúlega fínt Cajon fyrir furðulega lítinn pening. "Sneril vírar" inni í trommunni, extra stórir gúmmifætur, þægileg sess og líflegir litir einkenna Fiesta seríuna frá GonBops. 

Framleiðandi sabian ltd
Samtals m/vsk
25.990 kr.

Nánari lýsing

Offering unprecedented quality and tone at this price point, the Ultra Violet cajon features internal snare wires, extra-large rubber feet for superior isolation, a rubber seat pad and a size and form factor that is beginner friendly. Its fresh colour and design has been chosen to make a bold statement wherever and whenever you play.

Size: 12″ x 18″ x 12″
Material: Wood/MDF
Internal snare wires
Extra-large, square rubber feet
Non-slip rubber seat pad

Nýlega skoðað

Slagverkshljóðfæri - Fleiri vörur


Pearl Djembe bag Large

Samtals m/vsk
11.590 kr.
Á lager

Remo Mondo Djembe 16in Black Earth finish

The Mondo™ Djembe features full-range tuning with rich, warm bass and well-defined slap tones, making it the most user-friendly Djembe worldwide. Full-range tuning with rich, warm bass and well-defined slap tones Acousticon shell and a Mondo Skyndeep drumhead Ideal for all styles of drumming The most user friendly djembe worldwide
Samtals m/vsk
125.990 kr.
Á lager

Pearl 12" Synthetic Djembe Top tuned

Traditional djembes are roped tuned and that tuning method requires considerable experience. Pearl's Top Tuned djembes make tuning your drum easy with a hoop and lug system that works like other acoustic drums. The tuning wrench is included with the drum. The Top Tuned djembes feature a synthetic head designed to resist detuning from moisture and temperature changes. The bottom edge of the drum is protected by a rubber rim.
Samtals m/vsk
37.990 kr.
Á lager

Glenluce GB-BW Boxwood pair of bones

A medium set of wooden bones with a warm sound. 
Samtals m/vsk
4.490 kr.
Á lager