Karfan er tóm.

Yamaha Stagepas 100 Portable PA
Með innbyggðu batteríi.
The STAGEPAS 100 portable PA system strikes a perfect balance between high-quality sound and ultimate portability that will allow you to turn virtually any location into your own intimate live stage. Coming in two versions, one with a battery and one without, the lightweight yet durable design, effort-less operation, and astonishing sound of the STAGEPAS 100 will help you reach your audience with the full expression of your performance.
Samtals m/vsk
89.990 kr.

BOSE S1 Pro+ hljóðkerfi með BT
It’s a pro move to bring big sound wherever you want music. Versatile, portable, powerful — the S1 Pro+ Wireless Speaker is your go-to for adding vibes to the backyard, bar, park, or any larger gathering. With a 3-channel mixer, you can stream a playlist, plug in a microphone, or your favorite instrument. Go with whatever the night calls for. And now you can simplify setup and get to the music faster when you add wireless RF accessories for mics and instruments. They pair effortlessly to the S1 Pro+ and store right in the speaker itself so they’re always ready for the next song.
Samtals m/vsk
129.990 kr.

Yamaha Stagepas 200 Portable PA
With astonishing high-quality sound and mixing capability far beyond what you would expect from its minimalist design, the STAGEPAS 200 is a premium portable PA system that performs well above its weight class. With fast, intuitive operation of crucial live sound features, and superb overall performance, your audience will be stunned by your sound, and likely puzzled by your diminutive setup. The STAGEPAS 200 comes in two models— one with a high-capacity lithium-ion battery, the other compatible with optional batteries, giving you the flexibility to inspire performers and audiences alike in virtually any environment you choose, from street performances with 1-3 performers, to events, parties, and speeches.
Samtals m/vsk
139.990 kr.

HK Move8 hátalari m. bluetooth og rafhl.
HK Move8 er handhægt lítið hljóðkerfi í einni græju, sem er með 4 rásir, tvær hugsaðar fyrir hljóðnema, ein fyrir hljóðfæri og ein fyrir innbyggða bluetooth móttakarann. Það fylgja tvær rafhlöður Move8 og með báðum rahlöðum í geturðu keyrt kerfið í allt að 11 tíma. Það er fáanlegt hraðhleðslutæki við Move8, sem fullhleður raflöðuna á 2 tímum. Það opnar á möguleikann á að taka aðra rahlöðuna í hleðslu, með tækið er í gangi, og sett hana fullhlaðna aftur í þegar hún er án þess að missa hljóð úr hátalaranum eitt augnablik.
Hægt er að stýra mixernum í Move8 með appi og í appinu er hægt að virkja alls konar fídusa, gítareffekta fyrir rás 3 og karaoke effekt fyrir rás4, blutooth rásina, sem gerir þér kleift að fjarlægja (nægilega mikið) söng úr lögum til að breyta hvaða lagi sem er í karaoke undirspil. Mætt við miklu stuði.
Samtals m/vsk
109.990 kr.

Fender Passport Conference 2
With easy-to-use features and great go-anywhere portability, the Passport® Conference Series 2 audio system is ideal for small to medium-size audiences. With Bluetooth® audio streaming, its full-range speakers, versatile features, friendly front-panel controls and 175 watts of power provide clear and reliable Fender sound ideal for a wide range of uses—educational, sporting and worship events; meetings, seminars and presentations; and musical performances at parties, small clubs, coffeehouses and much more.
Samtals m/vsk
105.990 kr.

Fender Passport Venue 2
Maximize the sonic punch of any large performance with the Passport Venue Series 2 portable sound system. Featuring Bluetooth® audio streaming and XLR ¼" combination jacks for increased connectivity, Passport® Venue Series 2 has full-range speakers, versatile features, friendly front-panel controls and 600 watts of power for strong, clear and reliable Fender sound ideal for larger venues and occasions - including band and DJ gigs; education, sporting and worship events; meetings, seminars and presentations and more.
Samtals m/vsk
225.990 kr.

Yamaha Stagepas 600BT
680-watt, portable PA system with 10-channel powered mixer, two 10" speakers, a Bluetooth® input, SPX digital reverbs, an onboard feedback suppressor and versatile EQ.
Samtals m/vsk
245.990 kr.

2x Alto TS412 1x mixer Alto Truemix600
Hið fullkomna hljóðkerfi fyrir æfingarhúsnæðið eða heima í karíókí herbergið
2x 2500w aktívir Alto 12" hátalarar með bluetooth
1x alto truemix mixer 2 míkrafón rásum 6 rásum í heildina
Snúrur til að tengja og þú ert klár í stuðið
Samtals m/vsk
184.970 kr.

Alto Busker hljóðkerfi með bluetooth or rafhlöðu
Premium Portable SoundThe Alto Professional Busker is the battery-operated PA for the active on-the-go musical performers who demand top-tier sound in a portable solution that will be at home on any stage. With its optimized woofer and tweeter pairing for 200 watts of output, Busker delivers clear, focused sound that makes your music shine in any environment. Connect your mics and line level instruments or devices with the integrated 3-channel mixer with easily accessible control knobs to dial-in volume without stopping the music.
Samtals m/vsk
65.990 kr.

Yamaha Stagepas 100 Portable PA
Portable PA system equipped with a 100 W power amp, coaxial compression driver with 1.4” voice coil HF and 6.5” cone LF, and a 3-channel mixer.
100 W Class-D amplifier
1.4” HF + 6.5” LF high-quality coaxial compression driver using an FIR filter for the crossover
3-channel mixer (2 monaural mic/line + 1 line)
Equipped with a 2-band master EQ
Compatible with Hi-Z input (Channel 2 only)
Equipped with mix-out
Carrying handle doubles as an adjustable stand
Compatible with audio accompaniment over Bluetooth
Optional carrying bag (BAG-STP100) available for convenient transport
Samtals m/vsk
75.990 kr.

Fender Passport Event 2
With versatile controls, great connectivity and go-anywhere convenience, the Passport® Event Series 2 portable audio system is perfect for amplifying voices, instruments and background music anywhere, anytime. Its full-range speakers, versatile features, friendly front-panel controls and 375 watts of power provide strong, clear and reliable Fender sound ideal for education, sporting and worship events; meetings, seminars and presentations; and gigs at parties, small clubs and coffeehouses. Passport Event Series 2 features combination XLR/¼” jacks for increased connectivity.
Samtals m/vsk
179.990 kr.

Yamaha Stagepas 400BT
400-watt, portable PA system with 8-channel powered mixer, two 8" speakers, a Bluetooth® input, SPX digital reverbs, an onboard feedback suppressor and versatile EQ.
Samtals m/vsk
159.990 kr.