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Karfan þín

Karfan er tóm.

VNR.: 2590C94452

Hohner Airboard Melodica 9445/37

Samtals m/vsk
21.990 kr.

Hohner melodikkurnar eru bráðskemmtileg meðfærileg hljómborðshljóðfæri. Lofknúið! Endalaust stuð!  


Bæði með munnstykki og barka, auk feykilega fallegrar tösku. 

Framleiðandi hohner dm hr
Samtals m/vsk
21.990 kr.

Nánari lýsing

AirBoard 37

Introducing the AirBoard, a portable, air powered, keyboard instrument. With its cool new appearance, striking padded travel bag and redesigned BlowFlow™ mouthpiece, the AirBoard is designed for a new generation of musicians.

The AirBoard requires no computer, no cables, and no power source. At it’s affordable price, anyone can grab an AirBoard and jam anywhere joining ukulele players, guitarists and other acoustic musicians. The AirBoard enables musicians to add a unique look and sound to their performances.

The AirBoard is designed for a new generation of musicians. Now, anyone can grab an AirBoard and jam with ukulele players, guitarists and other acoustic musicians in any location.

Along with the AirBoard is HOHNER’s AirBoard app for iPhone and Android providing a virtual version of the instrument for tablets and smart phones.



Item name Airboard 37
Number of keys 37
Note range F3-F6
Power source You!
Batteries Not Included or Needed
Cables nope
Body material Plastic
Key material Plastic
Mouthpiece ABS
Gig Bag Padded Gig Bag with Strap

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