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Yamaha B2E Polished Ebony
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With its 113cm cabinet height and solid construction, the b2 features a solid spruce soundboard for warmth, depth and volume. Its understated elegance beautifully enhances any living space. And for the ambitious performer when affordability is a consideration, there is no better instrument.
Fáanlegt í eftirfarandi litum: Polished Ebony, Polished Ebony Chrome, Polished Mahogany, Polished White, Polished Walnut.
Nánari lýsing
A perfect balance
With its larger dimensions and heavier construction, the new b2 delivers a superior sound through added depth and volume. For the ambitious performer on a budget, there is no better instrument.
Front and rear castors enhance movability while the elegantly detailed, traditional cabinetry ensures that the b2 looks right at home in your living space. For the more serious pianist, b2 is the perfect combination of performance and affordability.