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Kyser Low-Tension capo

Samtals m/vsk
3.290 kr.

Kyser capo með lágri spennu - hentar þeim sem nota létta strengi á kassagítar, einnig á rafgítar.

Framleiðandi kyser
Samtals m/vsk
3.290 kr.

Nánari lýsing

Kyser® Quick-Change® is expertly engineered and built to last. It is reliable and does just what it is designed to do — clearly raise the pitch of the guitar so you can play in a different key without retuning or changing fingering. Seasoned professionals and beginning players alike appreciate how the Kyser® Quick-Change® helps them transpose their guitar in seconds, with only one hand. The beauty of the Kyser® Quick-Change® is in its simplicity. We pioneered this design and although often imitated, a Kyser® is never equaled. There is no substitute for a Kyser® Quick-Change®.

Nýlega skoðað

Fylgihlutir Gítara - Fleiri vörur


Shubb C5 banjo/mandolin capo

Fits most banjos and mandolins. Flat fretboard.
Samtals m/vsk
5.590 kr.
Á lager

Shubb C1b Acoustic Guitar Capo - Brass

Fits all standard steel strung guitars. The best there is.
Samtals m/vsk
5.990 kr.
Á lager

Shubb C1 Acoustic Guitar Capo - nickel

Fits all standard steel strung guitars. The best there is. 
Samtals m/vsk
5.990 kr.
Á lager

EB UltraPlush Microfiber Polish Cloth

The Ultra-Plush Microfiber Cloth is the ultimate cleaning cloth specially formulated with soft ultra-plush fibers that give safe, gentle and effective cleaning for your most prized and delicate instruments. The Ernie Ball Plush Microfiber Cloth has over 400,000 microfibers per square inch providing twice the amount of leading competitors to quickly remove dust, dirt, grease and grime without harming the delicate finish. This cloth can be used with or without cleaning solution. Cloth dimensions 12" x 12"
Samtals m/vsk
1.390 kr.
Á lager